Through a multi-disciplinary approach, I use my studio practice to question reality, memory, and the passing of time. Although I work from a painting framework, I use a wide variety of materials that often branch into installation and sculpture to search for connections between what we experience and how we perceive those experiences.

I navigate my work through liminal consciousness: the space at the threshold of sleep and waking life. A quiet atmosphere with layered planes and ambiguous forms calls to mind altered states of consciousness such as dissociation, trance, and dreaming. Abandoned and repurposed materials give the artworks a personal history and ground them as objects in the real world.

The work relies on suspension both metaphorically and physically– through imagery that seems suspended as if in a dream, or material choices that employ tension and gravity.


Ambiguous landscapes meld with traces of man-made structures to give life to a new, invented atmosphere. My compositions feature wide, open spaces punctuated by sparse detail, juxtaposing a desire for “peace and quiet” with self-imposed isolation. The work speaks to feelings of loneliness, questioning relationships with people and place, searching for the true meanings of words such as “home” and “belonging.”